@ signs, #hashtags, and my overly dramatized life.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's more than music. It's breathing.

I speak through them, vicariously. Because they sing the words I cannot say. My voice is small, and gets lost with the wind.

Do you know the feeling, the one you can't forget? When a song ends, and you end along with it.

I do.

I know a know a lot of things. Things that mean nothing to anyone but me. And they know me better then I know myself.Or at least they pretend to, and I am no good at pretending.

Do you know how it feels? To be hung up in the back of the closet because you no longer appeal to anyone.

Do you know how it feels? To drive alone, and be lost in a town you've lived in your entire life. Because where is there if everywhere has become nowhere?

Do you know how hard it is? To see good, everywhere you go, and carry bad with you every step of the way.

Do you know how badly it hurts? To lose the power to breath.

You don't know, how it is to be me.

And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones.
Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs.
Setting fire to our insides for fun.


  1. "Whoever said it's worth it
    has never felt, the way I do"
    -Dangerous, Joshua James

  2. "Do you know how it feels? To be hung up in the back of the closet because you no longer appeal to anyone."

    I'm stealing that line. It hits me in a way that I can't ignore.

    P.S. I'm in love with the band Daughter. And that song. SO much.

    1. P.S She's amazing. Love, makes me cry. It makes my headphones shake and my voice disapear. Probably my favorite song of hers.

  3. Setting fire to our insides for fun.

    Holy crap.

  4. You have a really good voice and a lot of good things to say, that, i believe, some people in this class need to hear. Keep writing; you're making a difference.
