@ signs, #hashtags, and my overly dramatized life.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Love, is a waiting game.

alone, boy, cap, city, college
If I told you the truth, would everything change?

My hands shake. I used to be so steady, so sure. So naive.

I'd say it was forever ago, but I can't... in the perspective of minutes and seconds and twirling hands on clocks, it hasn't been.

But, looking through my telescope eyes, its been far too long.

My heart sits in its cage, door locked from the inside, key hid away where no one will find it. Waiting. Always watching the hour glass. Tiny grains of sand slip from top to bottom. Drip from the restrictions of waiting into the comfort of time passed. These tiny grains gain worth as they transition, from then to now.

With every piece, my heart swells with hope. Rising like the ocean, towards the chance at love.

Pleading with some greater power, praying that time will heal all wounds.
I pretend to believe that a minute will stop the bleeding, and a few days will make my head a little clearer. That all I have to do is wait, and love will find its way back.

I pretend i don't notice, when it comes around now and then. Like a thick black smoke, that wisps its way around me until I don't know which ways up and which ways right. It fills my head, whispering lies. And even though my heart has blocked itself behind bars, the smoke surrounds it. Closing in for the kill, little by little.

I can't stop it. I never try to.

It's his eyes. The way he smiles at me. The way he sees me, when I am completely invisible.

Its the way his his laugh sends thunder through my veins.

He doesn't know it, and maybe I don't either. But I lost the key. And I think he's found it.

Maybe he's had it all along.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your posts. They are really good!
