@ signs, #hashtags, and my overly dramatized life.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This post is pointless and Karma's a Bitch.

You see, life, i'm kind of bitter.. Because Karma texted me like a million years ago saying she was almost here. So I put on my new lipstick, and my cute shoes. But she won't pick up her phone, and I can't waste a good hair day. I swear she is such a liar sometimes. Her whole bitch routine, Is getting old. Seriously, when is she coming? I can't live until she gets here. I just can't! And I'm going to go crazy if I have to keep this whole "living" thing on hold.

If life's about living why do we have stop signs? What are yellow lights, and who the hell thought it was a good idea to countdown how long people have to walk across the road.

What's with locks?

And mirrors?

And high-end boutiques with snotty cashiers, and dressing room curtains? Yeah, nothing makes me feel more alive then flashing the blond refolding cloths when the furnace kicks on.. Her icy death glare is almost as refreshing as all the zeros on this price tag.

Living isn't looking good. It's feeling good. And believe it or not, I can look terrible, and still feel good.


But being all dressed up, with no where to go, doesn't feel so good. It feels familiar.. In the pathetic sort of way.

Well life, I guess for now I'll slide out of my red dress and wait for Karma to come around.

She can't take to much longer.


  1. I really like this post. It's honest. I like honest

  2. but being all dressed up, with no where to go, doesn't feels so good. it feels familiar.. in the pathetic sort of way.
    consider it stolen

  3. It maybe happy that you swore and I'm not sure why.

    But this is way good.

  4. Living isn't looking good. It's feeling good. And believe it or not, I can look terrible, and still feel good.

    I loved this line.

  5. I was going to read this post, then I saw that you had the word "bitch" in the title, and decided not to.

  6. droppin b words like its nothing. C'MON MAN! Be professional.

    1. It was needed, it makes the post real. If I had substituted any other word it would have lost the meaning I wanted it to have. Sorry if it offends you, I do my best to censor myself.

  7. "Because Karma texted me like a million years ago saying she was almost here." loved this line. I hate karma it scares me

  8. "But being all dressed up, with no where to go, doesn't feel so good. It feels familiar.. In the pathetic sort of way."

    Wow. I wish I could steal this ENTIRE post. But I stole this line, because it's familiar to me too. A little too familiar.

  9. Sally J. Skinny love. I did not post that last comment. someone hacked onto my account and said that. I really don't care you said bitch. I actually loved this post.
